Utility Personnel – Todd Aksamit, Brent Teten, Brian Vodicka, Curtis Stanberry, Adam Badberg

Superintendent of Public Works
Jeff Vogt
For any power failures after hours call: 402-269-5078
Click Here to Email Jeff Vogt
Utility Billing Clerk
For any billing questions:
Office: 402-269-2173
Click Here to Email the Utility Billing Clerk
Additional Information
THIRD PARTY NOTICE. Third party notice is available to all utility customers. Upon request, the City will send a copy of any notice of utility service discontinuance to the person (third party) authorized. This service benefits the disabled, handicapped or elderly, since notice will ensure a third party is aware of possible discontinuance of utility service.
What causes high usage?
The summer and winter months can be prime seasons for high usage bills depending on your heating and cooling setup. For all customers with air conditioning, the summer generally produces higher usage bills. In the winter, customers with heat pumps or electric heating (electric resistance heating, Geothermal heating, etc.) will see higher usage bills.
Below we have outlined some of the higher usage items (when in use). Time plays a big role in a higher usage bill. The longer an item is used the more energy it will use, especially in adverse weather when an air-conditioner or electric furnace may need to run more often than normal.
Please note: these numbers are generalized numbers. Each item will have details printed on them detailing the exact amount of energy they use.
- Electric Furnace
- 1,000 sq. ft. home: 8,000 watts
- 2,000 sq. ft. home: 26,000 watts
- Blower: 750 watts (both electric and gas furnace)
- Air-Conditioning
- Central Air Unit – 2.5 tons: 3,500 watts
- Large Window Unit: 1,500 watts
- Small Window Unit: 900 watts
- Major Appliances
- Electric clothes dryer: 4,500 watts
- Electric Water Heater: 3,800
- Refrigerator: 200-700 watts
“Energy Usage FAQ.” OPPD Omaha Public Power District, https://www.oppd.com/residential/energy-efficiency/energy-usage-faq/.
If you are concerned about the electricity getting used, you can contact an electrician to review your appliances/house to figure out if something is not energy efficient. The house “size” or people living in the house does have a factor in usage but so does the home’s efficiency. Example: if you have old windows, poor insulation, old appliances, appliances constantly running, etc; those items could also cause you to use more electricity.
When usage is higher generally this is NOT a meter issue. The City of Syracuse only checks to ensure our meter is working properly, we do not look to see why you are using more energy. Below are ways you can save money on your electricity bill.
Other Utilities
- Windstream: 1-844-998-0378
- Zito Cable: 1-800-365-6988
- Papillion Sanitation: 1-800-237-9958
- Nebraska City Utilities: 1-402-873-3353
- Pinpoint Communications: 1-800-793-2788