Sports & Activities

Photo Courtesey of Nancy Swarts.
Softball Sign Up Instructions
For grades 3-6. Learn the basic fundamentals – rules, serve, pass, set, & attack.
Flag Football
For grades 1st-6th. Flag football is a great way to introduce the game of football. Instead of tackling, flags are attached to the ball carriers belt.
Adult basketball League is for men and women 19 years of age or older. No more than six players to a roster.
The age groups listed below play in the Southeast Nebraska Girls Softball League. All schedules, changes, and cancellations can be found on the website .
Age Group
8 & under Games are played Saturday mornings
10 & under Games are played Friday nights
12 & under Games are played Wednesday nights
14 & under- Please contact Tony Starzec
18 & under- Please contact Tony Starzec